Nottinghamshire Insight

Case studies folder Case studies

Contains 11 resources


  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 20/09/2017

Example of how joining up different datasets and working across teams led to identifying businesses not paying domestic rates and led to increase in revenue for the Council.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 03/08/2015

Infographic used in the City of Football bid.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 08/11/2006

A detailed investigation of the foster carer population of Nottingham using Mosaic. The aim of the study is to address the recognised scarcity of foster carers.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 20/09/2017

The City of Football was a successful funding bid and demonstrates how Insight was used.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 01/01/2009

This Case Study details how Nottingham University Hospitals used Nottingham Insight to understand the demographics of potential patients and prepare the strategic direction of their services for the next 5 years.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 01/01/2009

This Case Study details how Nottingham Insight enabled documents to be shared quickly and securely to support the Council's successful bid for ??200 million funding towards housing improvements in the Meadows.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 01/01/2009

This Case Study details how Nottingham Insight and Mosaic dataset has been used to assess service need and help to plan future service provision.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 03/10/2013

The overall aim of the school admissions campaign was to ensure that parents and carers apply for their child's secondary school place on or before the deadline and to increase the take up of parents and carers applying online. Only 22% of parents and carers at the time were applying on-line. Increasing this take up will result in real cost savings for the City council.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 07/10/2013

The aim of the project was to reduce the number of repeat domestic violence incidents from the most prolific perpetrators in Aspley. As the project evolved, one aspect of the project was to develop campaigns targeted through a variety of media and through a range of community settings for each segment of the community.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 01/11/2019

This Case Study details how Newark and Sherwood District Council used Nottingham Insight and knowledge about their customers ensuring that residents are aware of the housing and council tax benefits entitled to them

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 23/09/2013

Reducing smoking in the population as a whole, and in manual groups in particular, is a key government target. Locally in Nottingham, smoking cessation targets are included as a priority in NHS and partnership plans. Nottingham City Primary Care Trust¿s New Leaf Stop Smoking Service provides a smoking cessation service focused on the needs of smokers from deprived communities and hard to reach groups and, critically, built upon a robust evidence-based foundation.

Places: Nottingham City