Nottinghamshire Insight

Joint strategic needs assessment

Diet and nutrition (2015)

This is an online synopsis of the topic which shows the executive summary and key contacts sections. To view the full document, please download it.

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Topic title Diet and nutrition (2015)
Topic owner Obesity Integrated Commissioning Group
Topic author(s) Kathy Holmes/Anne Pridgeon
Topic quality reviewed October 2015
Topic endorsed by Obesity Integrated Commissioning Group
Topic approved by HWIG 10th December 2015
Current version August 2015
Replaces version 2012
Linked JSNA topics

Executive summary

Current status

The Diet and Nutrition (2015) chapter has been updated in June 2020.

View the latest updates (June 2020)


Good nutrition is defined as ‘an adequate and, well balanced diet’ vital to good health (WHO 2004). Whilst many people in England eat well, there are a large number who do not, particularly among the more disadvantaged and vulnerable in society (Faculty of Public Health, 2005).  In particular, a significant proportion of the population consumes more than the recommended amount of fat, saturated fat, salt and sugar and a diet low in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and oily fish (PHE, 2014).

Poor diet and nutrition are recognised as major contributory risk factors for ill health and premature death thus present a major public health challenge. A poor diet is the biggest contributor to the number of "healthy years" lost due to ill health, disability or early death (Newton J et al, 2015). Good nutrition has a key role to play both in the prevention and management of diet-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, diabetes and obesity (WHO/FAO, 2003).

In Nottinghamshire it is estimated that just over a quarter of adults are consuming the recommended 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day, with women eating more than men and the lowest consumption in the 16-24 and over 75 age groups. Residents in Mansfield eat the least fruit and vegetables per day.

In most parts, this needs assessment takes a life course approach to diet and nutrition. Due to the refresh of the Children and Young People’s chapter in 2014, data relating to fruit and vegetable intake and school meal uptake can be found at the following link.  Future refreshes will take a full life course approach. Physical activity and excess weight are considered in separate chapters.

Unmet needs and gaps

Since the last JSNA refresh in 2012 there is an integrated Tier 1, 2 and 3 obesity prevention and weight management pathway in place. Over the next few years the service numbers accessing Tier 1 healthy eating interventions will be monitored to provide information on percentage uptake, service demand, outcomes achieved and if there are any unmet needs.

It is identified that there is a need to strengthen local assets to ensure that nutrition and healthy eating is being tackled as effectively as possible within the allocated resources. This includes utilising the impact that the wider public health workforce and different professional groups are able to provide, particularly working with planning colleagues to ensure that the opportunities that planning gives, both supports and encourages access to affordable healthy food. 

Recommendations for consideration by commissioners



Strategy and integrated commissioning



Work with partners across the system to ensure there is no duplication or gaps in diet/nutrition service provision targeting areas and groups whose dietary intake are poorest to maximise health outcomes, monitoring uptake by protected groups.

Public Health, District /Borough Councils and Clinical Commissioning Groups.

Social marketing



Eating well is promoted through Change4Life across Nottinghamshire Districts

Nottinghamshire County Council and District/Borough Councils




Ensure that healthy eating remains a priority for the commissioning of services for 0-19 age group by the Integrated Children’s Hub.

Public Health (Children’s Integrated Commissioning Hub)


Work with local Food Banks to support individuals with how to make healthy diet choices within a limited budget.

Public Health


Evaluate the Healthier Options Takeaway (HOT) initiative to assess both the effectiveness and impact of this work developing practice based evidence to inform future work.

Environmental Health and Public Health


Develop closer working relationships between planners and public health professionals to ensure access to fresh, affordable healthier food This could include

·         Giving consideration to the concentration of food uses in town centres / high street localities

·         Ensuring opportunities are provided as part of new developments for food growing/allotments or other innovative arrangements.

Planning & Public Health

Service quality and accessibility



Undertake an audit of progress locally against the NICE quality standards relating to diet and nutrition, to benchmark and identify areas where improvements are needed.

Public Health





Commission dietary interventions that are evidence based and utilise the Standard Evaluation Framework for diet to evaluate.

Public Health and District/Borough Councils


Ensure that health and social care staff understand the importance of Vitamin D and promote supplements to at risk individuals as per NICE guidance.

Clinical Commissioning Groups & Public Health


Continue to build the capability of the workforce to ensure that health and care professionals are clear about promoting the benefits of a healthy diet so that they have healthy conversations (making every contact count) with their patients and service users providing evidence based messages.

Public Health


Within the first year of the new obesity prevention and weight management contract, agree the how the diet outcome will be measured and obtain baseline data to help inform performance targets for the following year.

Public Health

Key contacts

Kathy Holmes- Public Health Manager Nottinghamshire County Council

This is an online synopsis of the topic which shows the executive summary and key contacts sections. To view the full document, please download it.

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