Contains 9 resources
Map showing the percentage of 16-64 year olds with long term health problems or a disability. Please see for more information.
Map showing the percentage of population stating "Bad Health". Please see for more information.
Map showing the percentage of population who are Black Minority Ethnic using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.
Map showing the percentage of population who are Indian using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.
Map showing the percentage of population who are Mixed using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.
Map showing the percentage of population who are Pakistani using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.
Map showing the percentage of population who are White British using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.
Map showing the percentage of population who are White Other using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.
Poster detailing key tables from the Census 2011 for Nottingham City. Includes demographics, ethnicity, unpaid care, day to day activities limited a lot, penisonable age.