Nottinghamshire Insight


Nottinghamshire Housing Plan

There are very clear linkages between health and housing. A lack of good quality, affordable accommodation, together with appropriate housing support, has a significant impact on health and wellbeing leading to increased demand for acute services, such as those provided by the NHS and Social Care.

Improving the quality and supply of homes will help to reduce fuel poverty, improve our carbon footprint and prevent homelessness, all of which can have a detrimental impact on children’s education and people’s ability to secure and sustain employment.

The role of housing and housing support is well recognised in a range of key national and local priorities and policies. This includes: The Health and Social The Care Act 2014 Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and Bassetlaw and South Yorkshire in which the role of housing and housing support services are strongly recognised as having a significant role in helping to improve outcomes for our residents; and the Nottinghamshire Housing Delivery Plan, which establishes priority actions for housing and housing related support interventions and reflects the findings of the Nottinghamshire JSNA housing chapter.

 Housing strategies and delivery plans:

Housing needs surveys/ Housing market assessments:

Homeless strategies and reports:

HECA reports:




Updated July 2022