Contains 4 resources
The Act aims to provide better, more comprehensive management of flood risk for people, homes and businesses. It will also help tackle bad debt in the water industry, improve the affordability of water bills for certain groups and individuals, and help ensure continuity of water supplies to the consumer. Objectives The development of, and compliance with, a National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy. The development of local flood risk management strategies by local flood authorities. Enable the Environment Agency and local authorities to more easily carry out flood risk management works. A more risk based approach to reservoir management. Enables water companies to more easily control non-essential uses of water and to offer concessions to community groups for surface water drainage charges. To require the use of SuDS in certain new developments. The introduction of a mandatory building standard for sewers
This strategy is a vision for sustainable delivery of secure water supplies and an improved and protected water environment. It sets out how the Government wants the water sector to look by 2030, and some of the steps required to get there. Objectives: Minimise amount of water wasted, and minimise leakages. Increase water efficiency in homes, communities, industry and agriculture. Ensure future demand for water is met. Increase rainwater harvesting. Ensure high quality water in rivers, lakes and estuaries. Tackle discharges into watercourses from sewers and direct pollution from nutrients from agriculture. Manage surface water in order to protect water courses from pollution and to reduce flooding. Increase the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Manage the effects of climate change - both from drought and from flooding.
This Directive deals with the management of large bodies of water: inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and ground water. Objectives: Enhance the status and prevent further deterioration of aquatic ecosystems and associated wetlands - there is a requirement for nearly all inland and coastal waters to achieve 'good status' by 2015. Promote the sustainable use of water. Reduce pollution of water, especially by 'priority' and 'priority hazardous' substances. Lessen the effects of floods and droughts. Rationalise and update existing water legislation and introduce a co-ordinated approach to water management based on the concept of river basin planning. Amendments have been made since 2000. A consolidated version of the Directive including the four main amendments is available:
This plan is about the pressures facing the water environment in the Humber River Basin District and the actions that will address them. It focuses on the protection, improvement and sustainable use of the water environment.