Nottinghamshire Insight

Children and young people folder Children and young people

Contains 5 resources


  • Dataset
  • published by Nottinghamshire County Council on 04/03/2021

Places: Nottinghamshire
  • Map
  • published by Nottinghamshire County Council on 07/06/2019

Places: Nottinghamshire
  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 01/09/2017

The Childcare Act 2006 requires local authorities to ensure a sufficiency of childcare for working parents, or parents studying for training and for disabled children. The Local Authority must publish each year how it intends to shape and support the childcare market to enable flexibility, sustainability and to be responsive to the needs of its community.

Places: Nottingham City
  • Report
  • published by Nottinghamshire County Council on 01/05/2014

The lives of children and families are diverse, changing and complicated, and as a result the variety and complexity of children's service provisions is significant. This review considers a range of approaches to working with children and families, using research, practice examples and evidence.

Places: Nottinghamshire
  • Report
  • published by Other on 29/06/2011

Go4It is part of the child obesity plan for targeting overweight and obese children and their families in the community.

Places: Nottingham City