Contains 6 resources
An assessment of the sexual health needs of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire populations.
Welcome to the Nottingham City Council (NCC) and the Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Black and Minority Ethnic Health Needs Assessment (BME HNA). Ours is a young, growing, diverse city; we are committed to harnessing these strengths by tackling health inequalities and by providing services that meet the needs of all our citizens. With this in mind, this Health Needs Assessment was developed to identify the needs of Nottingham's BME populations, identify recommendations to improve health, and to inform strategy development and commissioning decisions.
The aim of this health needs assessment is to systematically assess the health needs of Young Offenders who are in contact with the Youth Offending Team in Nottingham City, primarily regarding emotional well-being, substance misuse, sexual health and physical health.
This report aims to assess the needs of adults and young people in Nottinghamshire, Bassetlaw and Nottingham with respect to the diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASCs), social care assessment and transition from children¿s to adult social care services.
People with learning disabilities are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. They are known to experience inequalities in health and as a result suffer poorer health outcomes compared to the general population. There is now an increasing national and international body of evidence as to the pattern of health needs of people with learning disabilities. However, no detailed assessment of the health needs of people with learning disabilities that live within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire has been undertaken previously. A Health Needs Assessment was therefore undertaken to capture this information. This is the executive summary.
People with learning disabilities are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. They are known to experience inequalities in health and as a result suffer poorer health outcomes compared to the general population. There is now an increasing national and international body of evidence as to the pattern of health needs of people with learning disabilities. However, no detailed assessment of the health needs of people with learning disabilities that live within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire has been undertaken previously. A Health Needs Assessment was therefore undertaken to capture this information.