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Recent Linkbus savings saw the withdrawal of the L1, L9, L10, L11 and L12 bus services. From April 2022, the commercial services 22 and 23 (Gamston - West Bridgford - Silverdale - Clifton Circulars) are also being withdrawn.
The Council has a statutory requirement to provide home to school transport for some pupils within the City. The actual number each year depends on a number of criteria, but it is typically about 375 pupils per year who are eligible for an Academic Year pass.
A fares increase on all Linkbus services, including Medilink, from 1 November 2021. There have been no fares increases on the services since March 2019, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the conditions imposed by government in order to claim special Covid support for bus services.
Executive Board will consider a report on 16 November detailing progress in developing the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and this report includes new budget saving proposals of £12.3m for 2022/23 rising to £13.9m in 2025/26. One of the proposals included is the deletion of a vacant Heritage Strategy Officer, within the Planning and Regeneration Division. This Equality Impact Assessment considers any potential equality impact of this decision. The post is partly grant funded to support project work, if deleted those projects will not be taken forward or have bids/applications submitted in the future.
The Council is being asked to make significant budget savings in 2022/23. Subsidised bus services in the City are being considered as an area for efficiency savings. This can be achieved through a reduction in the number of vehicles required to operate the services.
To withdraw the A1 School bus service, aimed at providing school journeys, on grounds that other services are available for many users of this route. The options involve an additional short walk from the service or an interchange between frequent services along the route.