Contains 2 resources
Nottingham City Council commissions a Fostering Advice and Mediation service for foster carers which is delivered by a commissioned service provider. The contract is coming to an end on 31st March 2024 and will be extended for a further 6 months to 30th September 2024, to enable a competitive tendering process to take place. This EIA pertains to the recommendation for NCC to jointly recommission this service with Nottinghamshire County Council with Nottingham City Council as the lead on this process. The new contract will commence 1st October 2024.
In 2022 the government published the Women’s Health Strategy for England, a 10 year plan to improve health outcomes for women and girls, and to improve the way that the health and care system interacts with and listens to women and girls (Women's Health Strategy for England - GOV.UK ( Following the publication of this national strategy, it was assessed that the best way in which to understand the current service provision available to women, to hear the voices of women in Nottingham and to understand what they want and need from a healthcare system, and to inform future commissioning and service planning would be to undertake a Women’s Health Needs Assessment. The HNA will allow for a systematic review of the health issues facing women, allowing for subsequent priority setting and resource allocation to improve health and reduce inequalities for women in Nottingham.